Automated reminder system to send appointment, recall and treatment plan reminders
eagleReminders offers an affordable reminder solution with tons of extra features.
- Patients prefer to receive text messages instead of phone calls. Phone calls can be interrupting while they are busy at work or busy doing something. With text messages, they can view and reply to it whenever they have a free moment.
- Text messages have a very high response rate versus phone calls.
- Your front desk can save enormous amount of time by sending text messages with just one click instead of calling each and every patient to remind them of their appointment or due recall etc. Front desk can use that saved time for other important office tasks.
- Two way text message communication with your patients. It means less phone calls to handle.

- Setup reminders to go out automatically or manually send reminders at your convenience.
- Send mass text messages for appointment reminders, recalls, quick fills etc, with just one click.
- Two-way text message communication with patients
- Desktop alerts when new messages are received.